Wellness Exam
Wellness exams are a critical part of your pet’s overall health. Routine wellness exams should be performed every 6-12 months depending on your pet’s age and lifestyle. Regular wellness screenings can often detect minor problems before they become more serious.

Sick Pet Exam
There can be many signs when your pet does not feel well. Some are obvious such as vomiting, diarrhea, sneezing, etc. Other signs can be subtle requiring a detailed physical exam.
New Puppy or Kitten Exam New pet exams are always fun, as everyone LOVES to see puppies and kittens. They are still very valuable in detecting possible diseases or congenital defects. It is important to start with regular thorough exams when they are young, so you have a basis to refer to as they grow.
New Puppy or Kitten Exam
New pet exams are always fun, as everyone LOVES to see puppies and kittens. They are still very valuable in detecting possible diseases or congenital defects. It is important to start with regular thorough exams when they are young, so you have a basis to refer to as they grow.

All though we are excited to provide convenient, minimal stress care at home, our emergency services will be limited. Please know the best interest of our patients is always our number one priority. If you are worried your pet is having an emergency, please seek care at the closest available animal hospital. For night and weekend care, we recommend:
- Tampa Bay Veterinary specialists (https://www.tbvsecc.com/)
1501 A Belcher Road South,
Largo Fl 33771-4505
- Blue Pearl Veterinary Partners (https://bluepearlvet.com/tampa-fl/)
3000 Busch Lake Blvd,
Tampa, FL 33614
Health Certificates
Domestic travel: We understand pets are an important part of the family. Happy Pets is happy to help aid in domestic travel plans, whether that requires special permits such as health certificates, anxiety relief, or general counseling.
International travel: For international travel we recommend consulting Air Animal Pet Movers (https://www.airanimal.com/)
4120 W Cypress St,
Tampa FL 33607
Second-Opinion Consultations
Second opinions can be extremely valuable. It is always okay to ask for or seek a second opinion. Medicine is always changing and never plays by the rules. Sometimes having a fresh set of eyes look over a case provides a new perspective.
Specialty Referrals
The Tampa Bay area is blessed to have many incredible specialists. If specialty services are needed for your pet, we are happy to make referrals based on your individual pet’s needs. We can then work together to make sure all of your pet’s needs are met.